Our Team

Our team of professionals has years of experience in the realms of recovery & resiliency. We’re passionate about holding up the arms of trauma-exposed individuals and organizations that serve, protect, and offer healing to communities locally and across the globe.


  • Amy Butler, MS, LPC

    Director & Co-Founder

  • Megan Taylor, MS, LPC, LMFT

    Co-Director & Co-Founder

  • Michael Turner

    Director of Development & Integration

  • Laura Fehr

    Director of Finance


Body Team

  • Rebekah Price, MSW, RYT, C-BSP

    Embodiment Specialist

  • Heather Davidson

    Breathe & Body Specialist

  • Kelsey Gilley, RN, CNM

    IASIS Certified Neurofeedback Provider

  • Elizabeth Brown, M. Ed.

    NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Provider

  • Chuck Butler, M.Div., BCPC

    Kinetic Experience Coach


  • Elizabeth Brown, M. Ed.

    Resource & Resiliency Coach

  • Alex Fittin

    Self Awareness Coach & CISM Debriefer

  • Chuck Butler, M.Div., BCPC

    Ministry and Adoption Coach

Administrative Team

  • Brittany Turner, MS, LPC

    Intensive Program Lead

  • Rachel Toomer, MS, LPC, LMFT

    Office Manager

  • Janie Crow, MS, LAC

    Intake Coordinator

  • Holly Chambers

    Billing Coordinator

  • Alex Fittin

    Development Manager